
Clemson Grading System:

A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0-59

A – Excellent – indicates work of a very high character, the highest grade given.
B – Good –  indicates work that is definitely above average, though not of the highest quality.
C – Fair –  indicates work of average or medium character.
D – Pass –  indicates work below average and unsatisfactory, the lowest passing grade.
F – Failed –  indicates that the student knows so little of the subject that it must be repeated in order that credit can be received.


Grading Breakdown:

50% Weekly Assignments & Blog Posts
15% Webpage using HTML/CSS
15% Class Project (UpCountry History App)
10% Discussion Leader
10% Attendance and Participation (Including Slack & blog comments)


Required Course Textbooks:

There are no required textbooks for this course; however, students will be required to purchase a domain name and server space from Reclaim Hosting ($30). We will walk through this process together on the first day of class.



Attendance for this course is mandatory and will be taken daily. If you do not attend class, you cannot participate in class. This will be reflected in your participation grade. If you miss a class, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the missed work. There will be no scheduled make-up exams. Make-up exams will be given only with the approval of the instructor upon presentation of a valid excuse. If you miss class for a Clemson University approved absence, you will not be penalized; but, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the missed work. If you miss three consecutive classes and have not contacted the instructor about the absences you will receive an “F” for the course.

*If the professor is late to class, students are expected to wait at least 15 minutes from the time class was to have started, after which they may be excused from class unless the professor has given advance warning and instructions to wait.


Class Discussion:

This course will encourage student engagement and discussion about a variety of different topics. Learning is a collaborative process, and students will be asked to consider questions that have no easy answer. While students may disagree with one another, they must remain respectful and engage in debate that is constructive and aimed at gaining a better understanding of history and technology. No student should feel hesitant to ask questions about something that they do not fully understand. The course will have a specified Slack channel where students are encouraged to assist one another in the completion of course assignments.


Cell Phones and Computers:

Phones should be kept on silent and placed out of sight. If you are a parent or need to be available by phone for any reason, please see the instructor before class. Students are permitted to use laptops for note-taking purposes and in-class activities. However, students who are using electronic devices, including cell phones, for non course related purposes will be considered absent for the class (see attendance).


Academic Integrity:

As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson’s vision of this institution as a “high seminary of learning.” Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form.


Inclement Weather:

Any exam that was scheduled at the time of a class cancellation due to inclement weather will be given at the next class meeting unless contacted by the instructor. Any assignments due at the time of a class cancellation due to inclement weather will be due at the next class meeting unless contacted by the instructor. Any extension or postponement of assignments or exams must be granted by the instructor via email or Canvas within 24 hours of the weather related cancellation.



Clemson University values the diversity of our student body as a strength and a critical component of our dynamic community. Students with disabilities or temporary injuries/conditions may require 3 accommodations due to barriers in the structure of facilities, course design, technology used for curricular purposes, or other campus resources. Students who experience a barrier to full access to this class should let the professor know, and make an appointment to meet with a staff member in Student Accessibility Services as soon as possible. You can make an appointment by calling 864-656-6848, by emailing studentaccess@lists.clemson.edu, or by visiting Suite 239 in the Academic Success Center building. Appointments are strongly encouraged – drop-ins will be seen if possible, but there could be a significant wait due to scheduled appointments. Students who receive Academic Access Letters are strongly encouraged to request, obtain and present these to their professors as early in the semester as possible so that accommodations can be made in a timely manner. It is the student’s responsibility to follow this process each semester. You can access further information here: http://www.clemson.edu/campus-life/campus-services/sds/.


Title IX:

Clemson University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, genetic information or protected activity in employment, educational programs and activities, admissions and financial aid. This includes a prohibition against sexual harassment and sexual violence as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This policy is located at http://www.clemson.edu/campuslife/campus-services/access/title-ix/. Ms. Alesia Smith is the Clemson University Title IX Coordinator, and the Executive Director of Equity Compliance. Her office is located at 110 Holtzendorff Hall, 864.656.3181 (voice) or 864.656.0899 (TDD).


History Librarian:

Anne Grant
Email: anne1@clemson.edu
Office:Cooper Library, Room 405


Time Management & Community Support:

Digital history courses require students to develop a time management strategy. Procrastination will result in incomplete assignments and poor grades. You cannot receive help with your assignments if you wait until a day or two before the assignment is due. I recommend creating a work schedule for outside of class that includes a block of time either Wednesday night after class or Thursday. You want to start the skills assignments while they are fresh in your mind. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to complete the assignments. If you run into an issue, Google your problem and see if you can find a solution. If you are still struggling, post the problem on Slack where the class can work together to resolve the issue. I have found it helpful to form study groups that meet regularly in the library or at another location. This keeps you accountable to one another and allows you to work together to figure out the tools. Digital history is a community effort. We are all in this together. I still rely upon internet forums and colleagues to assist when I am stuck.
